The Penguin Factory - Linux and Open Source Solutions Provider

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Company and Legal information

Penguin Factory Limited are a private limited company registered in Scotland number SC270171.

The registered address of the company is :
Penguin Factory Limited,
272 Bath Street
G2 4JR

We are VAT registered and our registration number is GB 842 6026 42.

Penguin Disclaimer

Please note we do not manufacture or sell actual live penguins. This would be cruel and illegal under the terms of various international treaties that govern wild birds.

In this case the name "Penguin" refers to the unofficial mascot of the Linux Kernel created by Linus Torvalds.

If you wish to find out more information about penguins in the wild here are a few useful links.

Sir Nils Olav - Emperor Penguin, and Colonel-in-Chief of the Norwegian Guard

Falklands Conservation

Penguins in the Antarctic

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The Penguin Factory™ is a trading name of Penguin Factory Limited.
Penguin Factory Limited is a private limited company registered in Scotland number SC270171.